Quiet Country Evenings Can Be More Exciting Than You Think
April 12, 2014
I think I can safely say that if there is one thing which puts people off the idea of living in the countryside it is the fear of being bored in the evenings. When we first moved here it was something I feared as well, but over time we have found some different ways of spicing up the evenings.
Get Some Bingo Going On
I used to go to the local bingo hall with my Mum was when I was younger and I loved it. Our closest bingo hall is now a couple of hours away but it doesn’t matter anyway, as I can now play online whenever I want to. Internet bingo sites such as GameVillage Bingo provide excellent entertainment in the evening and let me chat to some friends while I play. As far as I am concerned bingo is a fabulous game and I enjoy playing it whenever I have a spare hour or two. I haven’t yet won a life-changing sum of money but I would have no idea what I would do with it anyway. I have also tried other online games, like slots and roulette. However, it is bingo that I keep going back to time after time. I think my husband wants to give it a try as well, as I keep seeing him peering over my shoulder while I am playing.
Cook Something Exotic
Cooking has recently become a great passion of mine. I used to be a little bit afraid of trying out new recipes but now I will turn my hand to anything. One of my favourite things to do when it gets dark is look up some sort of wildly exotic recipe from a far off place like Indonesia or Peru. I feel quite bold and adventurous as I start to make something which I had never even heard of 5 minutes ago. Of course, one of the bonuses is that no-one in the house knows what it is meant to taste like or look like, so they can’t complain about it when they try it. Turning on the oven during a chilly winter evening can also help create a lovely cosy atmosphere in the house. If I can get the kids in the kitchen to help me make some snacks then so much the better.
Play Card and Board Games
The joy of card games and board games with the family is something else worth pointing out. We can easily get caught up in a riveting session of Monopoly or a few games of Pontoon when it’s dark outside. Because we usually play with the kids there is no money involved. We started off playing with counters such as beans and stuff but the young ones now like to wager things like their daily chores. At first I wasn’t sure whether this was a good idea but it doesn’t seem to do any harm and it definitely adds a bit of extra spice to the games.