Incredible Ways to Keep the Kids Entertained This Summer
June 30, 2014School is out, and the kids are off for the entire summer. This provides parents with the perfect opportunity to spend some much needed quality time with their children. We love to spend time with our children, but the summer holidays are just so long that it can be difficult to keep them entertained. Do not despair; these tips will make sure that your children never say the dreaded words “I’m bored!”
Image Credit: Moyan Brenn
Arts and Crafts
Kids love to get messy. In fact, the messier the activity is, the happier they tend to be. Hosting arts and crafts sessions may seem like an activity that you do not want to clean up after, but your children will be utterly enthralled by the activity. Make sure that you have coloured paper, glue, glitter, pencils, paint and pompoms so that the kids can set about making their own fabulous pieces of art. You never know, you may discover that you have a mini Picasso within your family!
You can incorporate arts and crafts into the day. Decoupage is a great activity that the kids are sure to love taking part in. You can also buy kids craft books from Vibes and Scribes so that you can make sure that you have a fun activity for every day of the week.
Baking and Cooking
While baking cupcakes can seem a little humdrum for kids, you may want to introduce them into the world of fine baking and cooking. If your kids consider themselves to be something of a little chef, now is the time to introduce them to cooking. Not only will they gain a valuable skill that they will need in later life, but they will also have a lot of fun in the process.
Start small, try cooking omelettes, spaghetti bolognaise and so forth. While you can take the helm of the cooker, get your kids to join in by helping sort the ingredients and weighing out the measurements. They will love to get involved.
In terms of baking, keeping sugar to a minimum is a must for any parent. Try making delicious cheesecakes and scones so that your kids don’t get bored. Cupcakes are somewhat old hat, so try new and inventive ways of cooking with them.
Nature Walks
If you are lucky enough to live on green belt land, it may be a good idea to take the kids on a nature walk. Get them to make a list of all the things that they have spotted on their walk. You can get them to collect stones, feathers, pine cones and other interesting artefacts from their journey. You can then turn their finds into amazing arts and crafts creations.
If you are feeling particularly artistic, you can create a bingo card for the kids. They can mark off all the things that they have seen on their nature walk. It is a truly different, and entertaining, way of keeping the kids occupied during the long summer holiday. What is more, you get the perfect opportunity to exercise and spend some time bonding as a family.