5 Exciting Ways to Keep Your Kids Happy During The Summer Break
January 28, 2014
When the summer finally arrives, and it is the last week of the school term, our children get a sudden burst of energy. It’s on you before you know it. The summer holidays.
We have a dilemma. When the kids return to school, the first thing they will be asked to do is spill the beans over the quality of play we have provided for them. Oh, the shame if we left them to their own devices allowing their imagination to keep them occupied. Any mention of the dreaded games machine is also to be avoided at all costs, in that most revealing of essays.
We may not be able to afford daily activities. Once a week, however, we can surely find a free way of entertaining them with a paid activity thrown in here or there.
So here are five cool ways of keeping your reputation intact when they return to school.
A Simple Walk in the Forest
Especially for the younger children, the sense of freedom they get out in the country cannot be equalled. Many Forestry Commissions have dedicated walks with points of interest. They are free, despite our government’s best attempts to sell them off, and they belong to you. Use them. Spend a day in the forest, have a picnic, let the children run. Then have a quiet drive home as the little one’s sleep off the day’s exertions. I bet they will remember that day when returning to school.
Mountain Biking
Across the country, there are many mountain bike trails free to use. Get those bikes strapped onto the car and let them make the rest of us feel guilty as they demonstrate their fitness. Always think safety though, make them wear those helmets.
For a reasonable fee, you could go on Hoverday’s Segway Experience or even a quad bike ride. Activities can be found across the length and breadth of the country. Under expert supervision, they can explore without having to walk or pedal. Now ,as adults, we are used to this but it is a new experience for kids to be in control of the vehicle. The pleasure gained is not to be underestimated. Go on, treat them, it’s only once.
Theme Park
Once a year at least, all kids deserve a go on the big rides. This may be the most expensive activity. They need to feel true terror, and it is our job to provide it! Take a photograph or video of your child screaming, horrified, crying, begging for the ride to end. And then, of course, asking to go again. Kids!
Fishing? Exciting? Rubbish!
No, it’s not. Ok, they may not burn many calories, but the look of sheer exhilaration and panic on your child’s face as they land that ten pound carp is priceless. You can bet that picture will go to school. If they are under twelve they won’t need a license, but you will. Get a day license from your local post office or online.
So there we have five things you can do with your children, hopefully without breaking the bank or any bones. They will go back to school with their heads held high and a story ready to be told. Give yourself a pat on the back and consider it a job well done. Until next year anyway.