5 Easy Steps to Managing Your Christmas Plans

5 Easy Steps to Managing Your Christmas Plans

November 23, 2014 Off By Adam Kirby

Christmas can be a busy, yet exciting time of year. Like many mothers, you may feel a little waylaid with all of the things that you have to do. Dinners, wrapping and sending cards means that you may be doing more than what you planned this Christmas. It can be tough to find the time to tackle everything.

Stop. Breathe. Relax. You don’t have to have a busy Christmas that makes you feel like you are losing your mind. With Christmas a little over a month away, now is the time to take a step back and organize your Christmas in a more thorough (and thoughtful) way.

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Here is your five-step plan to assist you with your Christmas endeavors. It doesn’t have to be a stressful time!

Step 1: Organize Your Cards and Postage

We all love to send Christmas cards to our nearest and dearest. But, the quest in the post office can be something of an ordeal. Now is the time to write and prepare your Christmas cards. Make sure that you take advantage of online postage. You can purchase postage sitting in your desk chair, so you don’t even have to leave the house. Simply go online and purchase postage via an online vendor. Easy peasy!

Kate Ter Haar

Step 2: Prepare and Plan Your Christmas Dinner in Advance

If you are cooking for all of the family this year, you may feel overwhelmed. After all, feeding a whole tribe of family and friends can be tough. It’s time organize your dinner in a more definite way. So, create a menu of what you would like to serve people. Keep it simple if you have over ten guests in attendance. You can be a little more creative if you have a small gathering. The key is to make a detailed list of starters, main courses and desserts. You can even get platters to help you. Why not get a small selection of different puddings? Keep it simple and plan in advance. Buy in advance and freeze what you can. That way, you don’t have to spend time buying and planning dinners.

Step 3: Wrap Little and Often

With an overwhelming amount of kid’s presents, you don’t want to spend your Christmas Eve wrapping everything. Make sure that you set aside one hour per night to dedicate to wrapping. Focus on one family or person and make sure that their gifts are wrapped. Stick to batches if it makes it easier. The key is little and often. You’ll be done in no time.


Step 4: Take Advantage of Babysitters Over the Festive Period

Everyone wants to spend time with the kids over Christmas. If you are panicking how you are going to play Santa this year enlist the help of family and friends to undertake babysitting duties. They will be more than happy to help.

Step 5: Take a Look at Your Plans and Organize Them Effectively

Okay, there is a wealth of events happening over Christmas. Now is not the time to panic. The key is to look at when you have something planned or what you want to attend and write it all down. Use an app or a planner from your smartphone. Keep kid’s dates and your events separate. This is the key to your success this winter. Plan like a military operation! It’s the only way to keep your cool at Christmas.