Simple Tips to Spend More Time with Your Kids
May 14, 2015We all know that spending quality family time together is important, yet we can all be guilty of not devoting enough one-on-one time to our children. The fact is, there’s no better investment in our children’s future than strong and supportive family relationships, and no amount of money is worth as much as your time, love, and attention. So – from movie nights and mealtimes to tree-climbing and card tricks for kids – here we share a few simple ways to help you and your family reconnect, so you can create lots of happy memories to treasure.
Cook Together
Cooking your evening meal doesn’t need to be such a chore, especially when you’ve got whole family to help. Children respond well to being given responsibilities; planning and preparing your meals together will not only mean that everyone is happy with the dish you’re making, but it’ll also teach them valuable life skills. Assign jobs depending on the age and interests of your children, and don’t be afraid to let them choose their own recipes – they’ll really enjoy having the freedom to experiment with different foods and flavours.
Eat Together
There’s a reason we’ve all heard the phrase, ‘A family that dines together stays together’. Families that sit down and eat together at least five night a week are proven to have stronger relationships and improved emotional intelligence than those who eat separately, meaning a shared family meal should be a priority for every parent. Whether it be breakfast, lunch, or dinner, taking the time to sit down with your children and talk about their day – without distractions – is one of the best ways to relax, reach out, and reconnect with your loved ones.
Play Together
Family time should be fun time, and there’s nothing like a shared hobby or activity to encourage both you to spend time together. Why not swap your normal exercise regime for regular trips to the local swimming pool or leisure centre, or head outside for a scavenger hunts, tree-climbing or a spot of wildlife gardening. A fortnightly family game night is also a great incentive to switch off the TV and settle down to an evening of family favourites such as bingo, charades, card games, and even card tricks for kids. Not only will this give you the opportunity to bond with your children, but learning card tricks for kids or slightly more complex card games will challenge their young brains and promote family togetherness.
Relax Together
Living with children can be exhausting, so it’s all too easy to slump in front of the TV after a long day. However, limiting TV time doesn’t mean you can’t unwind, and you don’t need to put a complete ban on screen-time to prevent it from getting in the way of your relationships. Encourage your children to choose one or two programs to watch each day, making sure your weekends are preserved for spending quality time together as a family. Relaxing together is important; your children need to be able to see you when you’re not rushing around or busy with the day-to-day routine. Friday night movie nights are one great way for you all to sit down together at the end of the working week – let your children help choose the film, pop some popcorn, and turn off mobile phones so you can all relax without distraction.